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Delta Triathlon - April 2013

An annual tradition for me since 2006, the 2013 Delta Triathlon was once again a great event.  This year, the adult race was before the Kids of Steel race so no need to arrive too early for the event.  My swim start time was estimated a 9:25am and it was pretty much on time.  My Dad was also racing and started around 8am.  

The weather was windy with a bit of sun and NO RAIN!  Yippee!

The best part about this event is the HUGE amount of community support from the South Delta Triathlon Club and The Steveston Athletic Association.  Every second racer, volunteer and cheerleaders were friends.  

The pool swim went well.  Glad we practiced 'annoying Delta swimmer' drills the week before.  Although, I was probably the annoying swimmer more than others.  I was the only one who was doing flip turns in the lane and made sure to make my presence known at each end.  Worked out well since my swim was quite fast and my lane counters were correct.  

Nice out and back x2 on the bike.  Mostly flat course except for the overpass.  There was a strong cross wind that everyone commented on but I was used the wind after being in Hawaii in March.  

Run is a flat and fast 5km through Ladner.  Not many people cheering on the route but lots of love at the finish line.  

Happy to report that this was my 2nd fastest Delta Tri and I came 3rd in my Age Group (40-44).  My best finish ever there.  

Loving it!

Finishing the bike

Heading out onto the run, feeling good

Just finished
 Me and my Dad

 3rd in my Age Group.  Yay!

Happy Training.


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