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Tour de St. George, Utah

Last Saturday, I was in St. George, Utah for Spin Geeks Tour de St. George.  I signed up for the St. George 70.3 in 2013 and wanted to check out the town and terrain before May next year.

Once again, it wasn't difficult to convince Brenda to come with me.  

St. George is an easy 2 hour drive from Las Vegas.  You may not be aware, but Las Vegas is on of the cheapest places to rent a car.  For under $200, I rented a Jeep Liberty (more than big enough for 2 bikes and gear for 2 women) for 5 days.

The road ahead about 30 mins from St. George on Hwy 15

Red Rock Bicycle Company was one of the event sponsor and the location of package pick up.  When we arrived in town, went to check it out.  The bike shop is a good size with both road and mountain bikes and gear.

Me Thumbs Up

Brenda Thumbs Up

Event morning the weather was chilly but still warm enough for just a jersey and bike shorts.  Most of the locals were bundled up like it was winter but it felt like summer to me.

Start line for the 65 Mile Metric Century.  

Brenda realized earlier that morning that she left her sunglasses at the Pasta Factory the night before.  The unbelievable news is that when we returned to the restaurant after the ride, her glasses were there and she got GOT THEM BACK!  Only in Utah!

Me in my Speed Theory kit

And we are off.  

After a 21km climb averaging 3.5% grade, we arrived at the first of 4 well stocked rest stops

Local Donkeys out supporting the cyclists

Once we crested the climb, the majority of the remaining kms were downhill.  That is when we took our time and stopped for photos and to check out the scenery.

The finish line included a huge Mexican lunch (sorry no photo of that, I was hungry)

Brenda using the local fountain as an ice bath 

St. George has some great cycling.  Although the roads are not the smoothest I have experienced, the scenery is worth it.  We both regretted only doing the Metric Century since there was also a 100 mile option.  Perhaps it better to leave wanting more than feeling completely spent though?

The event was VERY well organized and had a great community vibe to it.  If you are looking for a destination fondo late in the season, this is the place to go.

Happy Training.


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