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Pacific Road Runners First Half - Half Marathon

On Sunday February 11, 2000 I ran my first half marathon ever.  It was the Pacific Road Runners First Half.  In February 2000, I had just returned to work from maternity leave with my son who was 9 months old at the time.  I had decided in September 1999, when my son was 4 months old and I was still nursing him, that running a half marathon would be my next running goal.  I was quite over weight still and was looking for something to help take the weight off.  I also figured, since 12 hours of non-medicated labour and child birth were fresh in my mind, how bad can a half marathon be?  Piece of cake...right?

Well, running a half marathon was certainly less challenging than child birth but it still was a challenge.  With just returning to work full time, nursing and trying to figure out how to balance my new life with a family, it was no easy accomplishment.

To train for my first half marathon I joined a local running group, the Richmond Spirit Runners lead by Lynn Walters where I met one of my best friends Ellen.  It was the first half marathon for both of us.  We trained together and ran together that day in 2000.  Our time was 2:08:28.  I have no idea what our splits were, we didn't have Garmin's back then all I know if that we ran a very well trained race and had a great time.  Ellen went on to run her first marathon later that year in May in Vancouver BC and I soon followed in October in Victoria BC.

Fast forward to 12 years later...Ellen is married, has run many more marathons, done her first triathlon and has 3 children.  I branched off and into triathlon and completed Ironman twice now.

And on February 12, 2012, we ran the Pacific Road Runners First Half Marathon together again.  It also marked my 20th half marathon.  We started out further back in the crowd than I like but made up time quickly and moved our way to a clear path.  Feeling great we continued the pace until almost the 1/2 way mark.  Around 10kms, I fell off the pace while Ellen felt strong and went for it.  She was focused on a sub 2 hour time.  So was I but at that point, I realized I would not be able to keep the pace for another 10 kms.

Ellen went on to achieve her goal and finished in 1:59:13 a new PR for her.  I went to to finish in 2:02:52.  Not a PR but still very happy with my time and gave it 100% effort.

Below are my splits from my Garmin.  I love how (once again) it shows I went out too quickly and then fell off the pace at almost exactly 1/2 way.

Avg Pace

Cheer to meeting your running goals, life long fitness, and LOVING IT!


Natsuko said…
This is an inspiring post for me and Colin. Congratulations, Erin!

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