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Delta Tri 2010 Race Report

I believe that 2010 marks the 5th time I have completed the Delta Sprint Triathlon.  It might be 6 times but 5 for sure.  Every year it marks the beginning of tri season for me and I look forward to doing the race.  I love seeing the all of the tri newbies mixed in with Elite and Pro triathletes.  This year the Race Director was Tracey Shelley (my swim coach) and it was the best run year so far.  Great job Tracey!!!

I really felt no pressure going into this race.  I have not had as much structure this year as I did last year with my tri training.  In fact, I have only been outside on my bike 2x in 2010 including the race yesterday.  I did do a spin class once a week from January - March to maintain some of my bike fitness, but we all know that spinning isn't really like getting outside with your bike.

My game plan...ok, I didn't really have one.  My husband asked me the night before the tri if I was going to PB the race.  I thought about it and said "oh yah, I have a tri tomorrow, I should pump up the tires on my bike".  Again, this is very different than my obsessive behaviour of 2009.

The swim started off with a few foot cramps then I settled in.  My lane was not very busy so I swam the first couple of laps free of being kicked and bumped.

After running outside into the cold, rain and wind I was quickly on my bike and riding.  The wind worked our favour as there was a head wind on the way out and a tail wind on the way back (2 loop out and back bike course).

Pretty quick transition to the run an I was off.  The run felt really good and I kept a steady pace.

Then, because it is a Sprint and not Ironman, it was all over.  Gotta love the sprints.  I guess keeping up with my swimming and running was beneficial because I beat my time from last year in both.  The bike was about 2 minutes slower but I was expecting that.

All in all, a great day and a great event!  See you all there again in 2011.

Swim:  11:42
T1/Bike/T2 43:46
Run 25:10
5/28 in the 35-39 Age Group
Total time 1:20:37


Penney said…
Nice work Erin!
XTB-XAVI said…
Great job, well done!

Cheers from Hong Kong!

BEADLE said…
Congratulations on the incredible time !


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