Well, January 4th and my first post of 2009. New Year's Eve was pretty quiet at the 337 household this year. No big party or night out, just a relaxing evening with movies. We did go to Gudrun for early evening appetizers around 5:30pm but we were back at home by 7pm watching movies (Get Smart and Mama Mia).
I was pretty good with my training over the holidays and managed to keep myself mostly on track. There were a few workouts missed because of the snow, not to mention a few days of work.
This year, I plan to track all of my workouts in Buckeye Outdoors. It is a great free on-line training log. This way I can track all of my kms on my journey to Ironman Canada in August.
As for New Year's resolutions, I do have a few. It wouldn't be a New Year's post if it didn't have a few.
1. No alcohol until after Ironman. This will not be too much of a problem for me given how little I drink now. Plus, drinking doesn't make me feel like it used to. I have really turned into a lightweight.
2. No doughnuts. This has been a resolution in past years and I did go a full year (2006) without eating a doughnut. This will be tougher than resolution #1 for me.
3. No paper coffee cups. I joined Starbucks on-line community and started this resolution a few months ago. So far it hasn't been too difficult, just takes a little planning.
4. No plastic grocery bags. This will be a new one for me. I have 10+ fabric bags from various stores that sit in the back of my Element that I never use. Now I will have to use them or not buy groceries.
That is it. Four resolutions that I think fit the SMART model of goal planning.
Happy training!
I was pretty good with my training over the holidays and managed to keep myself mostly on track. There were a few workouts missed because of the snow, not to mention a few days of work.
This year, I plan to track all of my workouts in Buckeye Outdoors. It is a great free on-line training log. This way I can track all of my kms on my journey to Ironman Canada in August.
As for New Year's resolutions, I do have a few. It wouldn't be a New Year's post if it didn't have a few.
1. No alcohol until after Ironman. This will not be too much of a problem for me given how little I drink now. Plus, drinking doesn't make me feel like it used to. I have really turned into a lightweight.
2. No doughnuts. This has been a resolution in past years and I did go a full year (2006) without eating a doughnut. This will be tougher than resolution #1 for me.
3. No paper coffee cups. I joined Starbucks on-line community and started this resolution a few months ago. So far it hasn't been too difficult, just takes a little planning.
4. No plastic grocery bags. This will be a new one for me. I have 10+ fabric bags from various stores that sit in the back of my Element that I never use. Now I will have to use them or not buy groceries.
That is it. Four resolutions that I think fit the SMART model of goal planning.
Happy training!
I think chocolate chip cookies are my version of donuts for you. :-) I can't bear to get rid of them yet, but maybe closer to race season.
I also found it helpful to keep a fabric grocery bag or two in the trunk of the car for those unexpected trips to the grocery store. It should help sticking to that resolution a lot easier.
Happy New Year!