After being inspired by the Canadian Blood Services chase point in the Vancouver City Chase (the one where I had to eat a cricket), I decided to fulfill my promise to give blood. Having no idea what to expect, I checked out the info on line at the Canadian Blood Services very informative website.
So, on Saturday after Jamieson got his hand caught in my car door (thankfully it was not too serious) and a mani/pedi in Kerrisdale I donated blood. Half a litre to be exact. The actual blood extraction only took about 9 minutes. The process of filling out forms and answering some interesting questions about IV drug use and sexual preferences took longer. After chatting with a lovely family over cookies and very sweet peach drink, I was off. I did feel a little tired for the rest of the day but it didn't stop me from enjoying Jamieson's birthday party at The Fridge with 15 nine year olds running around.
Blood, it is in you to give!