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Dear Friends:

I've decided to do it for a 3rd year in a row! I'm going to strip down and shed some light on things!That's right. I'm going to help uncover something big: a cure for cancers below the waist. Cancers 'down there' don't get enough attention. Prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer... we need to do something big so that we can kick these diseases to the curb!

That's why I'm running 10kms in BC Cancer Foundation's The Underwear Affair! Thousands of excited people are going to go the distance in whatever state of dress or undress they want, in either the 10K run or the 5K walk. It's going to be a lot of fun, and it all benefits a great cause. With all of us dedicated to this purpose, we'll put cancers below the waist on the run!I've agreed to raise at least $300, so I need your help! Would you please consider making a donation of $20?

Use the link at the bottom of this post, and go visit my site -- and please take the time to support me. Cancers below the waist can affect all of us, and they'll continue affecting future generations unless we do this now.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!



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Click here to view the team page for So Ova the Ovaries (formerly Lee & Beadle Family)If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:


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